Getting Support
There are many ways to get support with Streamdal. While Streamdal is a free and open source project, if you need help deploying on-prem or in a large enterprise environment, we are available to assist!
Join our community. This is the fastest way to get to get support and understand how the other users are operating with Streamdal.

Need help or have suggestions for something on our Discord?
Feel free to reach out to:
- Alina -> (Discord @alinak6598)
- Jon -> (Discord @dosplatos)
- Or anyone with the @founders, @mods, or @staff role
Open up a new issue
This is the best way to get support and ensure your issue is seen and ticketed by our developers and active contributors. Be sure to read over the contributing page for more details.

We primarily provide support for issues through the main monorepo.
The Founders
If the previous two options aren’t going to work for you, reach out to our founders:
- Dan -> (Discord @Daniel Selans)
- Ustin -> (Discord @Ustin)
If you need “enterprise” support, don’t hesitate to reach out - We got you!