Streamdal Deployment Guide
Below are the key components utilized across different deployment methods (Docker, Helm, AWS CloudFormation) and their respective purposes:
Service | Feature Description |
Streamdal Servers | Core servers for managing and processing tasks |
Redis | Maintains state and coordinates tasks between Streamdal servers |
Envoy | Manages gRPC-web traffic between the Streamdal console and the server |
Streamdal Console UI | Administrative interface for managing and monitoring Streamdal servers |
Persistent Storage | Redis provides a persistent store to maintain state across deploys and server restarts |
Deployment Strategies
Below are a few common deployment strategies and how Streamdal works with these at a high level:
Deployment | Utilization |
Docker |
Helm |
AWS CloudFormation (ECS) |
Deploy Streamdal using one of the following methods. Each tab provides a brief description of the deployment method and steps to deploy. For detailed instructions and configurations, refer to the README in the respective repositories.
Deploy Streamdal using Docker Compose. This method encapsulates Streamdal within Docker containers, ensuring an isolated environment for the application.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the docker directory:
cd streamdal/docs/install/docker
- Run Docker Compose:
docker-compose up -d
↪Detailed Docker Deployment Guide
Deploy Streamdal on Kubernetes using Helm. Helm facilitates the management and deployment of Streamdal on a Kubernetes cluster, providing an organized way to configure and manage instances.
- Add the Streamdal Helm repository:
helm repo add streamdal
- Update the repositories:
helm repo update
- Install Streamdal Server:
helm install streamdal streamdal/streamdal-server
↪Detailed Helm Deployment Guide
Deploy Streamdal using AWS CloudFormation. This method allows for the provisioning and management of AWS resources to host Streamdal, enabling a cloud-native deployment.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the ECS directory:
cd streamdal/install/ecs
- Launch your ECS stack
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name streamdal-stack --template-body file://ecs.yml --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
↪Detailed Cloud Deployment Guide